
DIY colorful flower wreath of paper flowers


Light and joyful colors of this spring wreath of paper flowers will become a bright accessory for your interior.

Color tones harmonize well with each other, and nice structural patterns make a good impression.

You will need:

✽ ring made of wire with a diameter of 25 cm

✽ scrapbooking paper with various patterns - maximum weight up to 200 g

✽ multi-colored small buttons with a diameter of 7 and 18 mm

✽ white, yellow and purple-pink wooden beads with a diameter of 4, 6 and 12 mm

✽ figured hole punch with motifs "Flower" with a diameter of 1.6 and 2.6 cm

✽ figured hole punch with the "Wavy Circle" motif with a diameter of 3.8 cm

✽ figured hole punch with motives "Circle" with a diameter of 1.6 and 2.6 cm

✽ black packing thread

✽ green floral ribbon

✽ needle for sewing

✽ color matching photo board

✽ ribbons of taffeta in the color of green grass 15 mm wide, 1.2 and 1 m long

✽ light green satin ribbons 3 mm wide 1.2 and 1 m long

✽ waxed cotton cords of the color of green grass with a diameter of 1 mm 1.2 m long and 1 m ✽ a wire in a light green paper braid with a diameter of 2 mm 2 m long


✽ scissors

✽ scoring board or ruler and embossing needle

✽ folding line

✽ breadboard knife

✽ cutting substrate

✽ transparent stationery glue

✽ hot glue gun

✽ black threads

✽ needle for sewing

✽ office paper clips

In dreams of summer: a wreath of paper and silk flowers

Step 1

Cut out strips of 2 x 25 cm, 3 x 25 cm and 4 x 30 cm from paper, cut these strips longer at first, and then shorten them if necessary. Lay strips of paper on the creasing board so that they lie on the folding lines (5 mm). Fold with a ruler to fold (bend) strips of paper along the fold lines. In this case, the strips are constantly shifted a little further to the edge until all of them are folded.

Step 2

Fold folded stripes to the end in the shape of an accordion. A suitable figured hole punch to break through various circles and flowers. For each outlet you need at least two circles for bonding.

Step 3

Lubricate the beginning and end of the folded strip with glue, put in a ring, connect and fix with a paper clip. On one of the circles in the middle, drop a drop of hot glue, squeeze the ring flat and in the middle put another ring on a drop of hot glue. Wait a bit until the glue hardens. Then stick the second circle on the front side so that the first circle retains its shape better. As shown in the photo, you can stick several circles on each other or alternately stick cut flowers, buttons, half beads or sew buttons.

Flowers in the hair: do-it-yourself wreath-rim

Step 4

For our wreath it took 17−20 flowers of various sizes. Metal ring entwine with green floral ribbon. For hanging tie straps and cords of various widths. Cover the ring halfway, starting with the largest flowers. Fix the flowers on the ring with hot glue.Then tie the ribbons and cords so that they hang down, see also the photo, and then stick the remaining flowers. For greater volume and airiness, stick small flowers in some places, as well as decorate the ring with a wire in green paper braid. Position the wire around the ring with loops and fix it, securing it to the ring in several places.

Source and photo: Burda. My favorite hobby 1/2017
