
Age or illness?


Often we take symptoms of latent malaise for signs of wilting. And to rejuvenate, it is enough to eliminate its cause. How we feel and look!

Swelling of the face

The face became puffy, its oval swam, unusual, very dense swelling appeared on the eyelids, under the eyes, on the cheeks ... Myxedema (from the Greek. "mucous swelling") develops when the thyroid gland begins to be lazy, this is not due to years, but iodine deficiency or autoimmune inflammation, which disabled this important organ responsible for youth and beauty. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the subcutaneous tissue, special substances accumulate - mucopolysaccharides, which attract water. It is pointless to limit oneself in the fluid in such cases: swelling from this will not go away. Need a doctor's consultation!


Facial aging is a slow process that can be slowed down with proper care, and if the skin does not respond to anti-aging cosmetics, you need to look for the cause inside the body! You can judge this by the location, depth and shape of wrinkles.

■ Crow's feet can be a symptom of chronic gastritis.

■ A longitudinal wrinkle in the temple in front of the ear indicates a malfunction in the intestines. The deep fold between the lower lip and chin, as well as the palisade of wrinkles above the upper lip, also indicate problems with it. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist!

■ A fold between the eyebrows occurs with chronic inflammation of the sinuses.

■ The forehead folds into an accordion along its entire length, and does the skin on it seem to become thicker? We must pass a urinalysis and check the kidneys. Transverse wrinkles - SOS signal from an overloaded liver. Less animal fat and protein, more plant-based foods, and creases will straighten out.

■ Diagonal wrinkles on the cheeks may be associated with hypertension and impaired circulation in the legs. We must not mourn the withering beauty, but be examined!

Bruises under the eyes

The skin in this area should remain pinkish-beige, regardless of how old you are - 17 or 70. If the underlying shadows are not associated with overwork and lack of sleep, then something is wrong with health.

■ Pinkish-blue circles appear with cystitis, and bruises of the classic blue color occur with iron deficiency anemia.

■ Purple circles are usually very swollen, doctors call allergic lights. How to get rid of them, the allergist will tell.

■ Yellowish-waxy shadows under the eyes occur in cores, yellowish-brownish, sometimes almost black - in those suffering from chronic constipation and those whose weak point is the liver, gall bladder, or kidneys.

Dark spots

Many believe that the age spots can be judged by age spots with the same accuracy as the age of a tree by annual rings. This is not true. Pigmentation can also occur in youth, for example, due to abuse of tan, malnutrition and other reasons. Brown painting on the skin most often indicates a hormonal imbalance or general intoxication of the body, in which an excess of the final metabolic products has accumulated.

■ Many small points scattered along the hairline, and large areas of pigmentation in the temples indicate liver diseases, because of which it cannot cope with the detoxification of the internal environment, and smaller spots make it necessary to make an ultrasound of the gallbladder: are there any stones or signs inflammation?

■ Brown pigmentation around the mouth appears with inflammatory bowel disease, and yellowish when the pancreas is not in order.

■ Spots in the center of the cheeks - an occasion to visit a gynecologist. In the list of possible diagnoses: cyst, inflammation or dysfunction of the ovaries, endometriosis.

Early gray hair

Hair began to turn gray intensely. Do you think this is quite natural for your age? The rapidly appearing abundant gray hair of a woman of about 40 is an occasion to start looking for deviations in the state of health.

■ It is possible that the body has a deficiency of copper, which is necessary for the hair to produce pigment. Complex mineral preparations will eliminate the lack.

■ Visit your GP: Your heart or pancreas may begin to fail.

■ It’s also worth a visit to an endocrinologist to find out if the thyroid gland is in order: with a deficiency of its hormones, the synthesis of pigments that give the hair a natural color is disturbed.

■ Another cause of hair bleaching is iron deficiency anemia. The hair follicles receive little oxygen and stop synthesizing the melanin pigment, and the strands turn gray and fall out. Start taking iron supplements with a freshly squeezed orange juice, which improves the absorption of macronutrients. When its content in the blood returns to normal, hair color will be restored.

■ Factors contributing to early graying: excess salt in the diet, addiction to acidic foods, stress.

Hair loss

Many people think: if the hairstyle has become less magnificent, then years are to blame. And yet, hair loss is not age-related. If only because women are not supposed to be bald! We are looking for a real reason and eliminate!

Stress reduces the production of hormones necessary for hair growth, and causes narrowing of the vessels that feed the bulbs. As a result, the dormant phase lengthens, during which the bulbs rest, and the growth phase is reduced. Hair falls out sooner than it should be, and new ones are in no hurry to take their place, and only lush memories remain from lush curls.

Endocrine failure. The condition of the hair follicles is adversely affected by an imbalance of sex hormones, as well as a lack of insulin, which lowers blood sugar. Check its contents: hair loss may be the first sign of diabetes mellitus, in which the microcirculation of blood in small capillaries that feed the hair follicles is disturbed.

Chronic constipation. If the intestine is lazy, the body begins to intensively get rid of toxins in other ways, in particular through the sebaceous glands. The hair becomes oily and begins to fall out, because an excess of the final metabolic products removed through the skin poisons the bulbs.

Cervical osteochondrosis. It is characterized by headaches, dizziness, discomfort in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. If the vertebrae are undermined by osteochondrosis, then the nerve endings located between them are impaired, the tone of the vessels that feed the hair follicles decreases - the hairstyle begins to thin. To prevent this from happening, do gymnastics for the neck, massage its back surface and shoulders, paying special attention to pain points.

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 8/2013

Text: Ivan Belokrylov. Photo: VikaValter / iStockphoto.

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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