
Magic casket


New Year holidays set us the main task - the search and selection of gifts. It's one thing to find and buy, but you also need to pack a surprise beautifully.

Our elegant box is an example of a classic packaging for a Christmas present. Doing it yourself is very simple.

1. Coat the box of sweets or marshmallows with acrylic primer, let dry, apply another layer.

2. Color the side faces of the box and the frame of the desired width on the lid with gold paint.

3. When the paint dries, use a sponge to apply craquelure gel to all the gold elements.

4. After the craquelure has dried, paint all these elements with green paint.

5. Fill the center with red. Cut the Christmas tree out of the napkin, peel it off, glue it with glue for decoupage.

6. Cover the box with varnish and immediately sprinkle with sparkles. The inside can be pasted over with a cloth.

The master class was published on the basis of the magazine Good Kinds 1/2013
Photo: Mikhail Panin. Text, idea and style: Olga Voronova
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Bester Quartet. The Magic Casket (January 2025).