
Cycle diet


Nature itself created us by creatures fickle, subject to the action of hormones. It can be successfully used for health and body shape.

Nutrition in a cycle is the most beneficial for a woman, say many physiologists and adherents of the "lady's" diet. The author of the cyclic diet, Debra Hope-Ridsel, a professional nutritionist, has long specialized in women's health. Initially, she developed a special nutrition plan aimed at eliminating the symptoms of PMS (by the way, they are, according to experts, about 150!). It has been tested on thousands of women. And it turned out that such a diet not only improves well-being, but also helps to monitor the figure, and as much as possible organically corrects eating behavior depending on the phases of the cycle and the corresponding hormonal activity.
In the hormonal cycle of a woman there are several periods, but conditionally they can be combined into 2 large phases. When compiling a daily menu, you can focus both on them and on recommendations for each week of the cycle.
In the first half (2 weeks) food should be balanced, but mainly containing chicken or fish, vegetables, fruits and cereals. The intake of fatty dairy products, fried foods and alcohol should be limited. If possible, it is also better to refuse red meat, as it increases the load on the liver.
■ Remember to have a snack at least 2 times a day to maintain a constant level of sugar in the blood.
■ Eat fractionally - sit down at the table every 3-4 hours.
Sample menu
➜ Breakfast: ¾ cup of cereal with bran, 1 cup of skim milk, 1 cup of chopped melon with strawberries or ½ cup of blueberries (thawed berries and fruits can be used out of season).
А For a snack: ½ cup of fruit or 10 mini-carrots, 5 walnuts, 300 ml of tea or water.
➜Lunch: a cup of vegetable soup, 100 g of turkey, a piece of bread, a tomato salad, half an apple, a cup of soy milk.
➜ For a snack: 150 g of yogurt, a cup of water or tea.
➜ Dinner: 150 g of salmon or any steamed fish, a cup of broccoli or other vegetables, a large portion of salad, a small baked potato.
А For a snack: 1 fruit and 10 almonds, ½ cup kefir or drinking yogurt, 1 whole grain cookies.
In the second half (2 more weeks) the main emphasis in nutrition should be on vegetables and fruits, but it is better not to lean on meat. Instead, you should give preference to vegetarian sources of protein. Here are the recommendations for this period.
■ Limit your intake of milk, as well as any dairy products.
■ No alcohol or sugar.
■ 1 serving of meat / fish per day is sufficient.
■ No more than 2 cups of tea or coffee per day.
■ No more than 7 egg yolks per week.
■ Cut the number of snacks to two per day.
Sample menu
➜ Breakfast: 1 cup of cereal with bran, 200 ml of soy or coconut milk, ½ cup of fresh berries according to season or half a banana.
➜ For a snack: 1 apple.
➜ Lunch: 1 cup vegetable or lentil soup, half fruit, spinach salad seasoned with vinegar, a cup of tea.
➜ For a snack: a cup of berries, fruit or a vegetable casserole.
➜ Dinner: 100 g of tuna steak, ½ cup basmati rice with green peas, salad with tomatoes and sweet onions, a cup of green tea.
Days 1-6
The energy level and emotional background are the lowest; the body needs rest. Eating less and choosing simple food so as not to overload the digestive system is the only right tactic. Give up stimulants like coffee, and include more calcium-containing foods on the menu: tofu, cheese, yogurt, sesame. This mineral controls neuromuscular activity, promotes muscle relaxation (which is especially important with a tendency to pain during menstruation).
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut contain prebiotics and indole-3-carbinol, substances that are essential for estrogen breakdown. Just in this phase, its level begins to grow.
Days 7-14
They are characterized by increased activity and a surge of optimism. It's time to start a diet: there will be enough willpower and motivation to calmly survive the restrictions. Use this period as efficiently as possible: start new projects, do more sports, take a walk. The natural level of energy is so high that you can forget to eat. This is not good. So eat more often, chew more slowly and enjoy every bite.
What's on the menu? A minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, as well as fiber-rich whole grain bread and brown rice.Foods containing dietary fiber have a beneficial effect on hormones.
Days 15-21
The drive is down, but there is still energy. Sexual attraction increases, a woman becomes more attractive in the eyes of men. Relations with food also resemble a novel: there is an acute desire to cook something like that and share a meal with loved ones. However, remember about fractional nutrition! The advice is dictated by the need to exclude sudden surges in blood sugar and reduce the production of the "stress hormone" adrenaline.
In addition to fiber, the diet is based on raw vegetables and freshly squeezed juices with pulp. They are the body's suppliers of antioxidants and glutathione, which is essential for the metabolism of female hormones.
22-1 days
The most emotional breakdowns, tears and bouts of sadness fall during this period: you should especially carefully listen to your body, but do not indulge it in everything. Now there is a high risk of overeating, especially unwholesome food, which is nice to eat sadness and anxiety. Stay away from chocolate, cakes and other sweets. Fast carbohydrates during this period can do more harm and extra pounds, as they are disposed of worse.
Buckwheat, spinach, salads. In cereals, a record charge of B vitamins, "responsible" for mood. Calcium and magnesium from leafy vegetables help the body use hormones properly.
On a note:
■ 2 weeks before menstruation (from the 15th to the 28th day), the level of both sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - rises, this improves the metabolism of fats.This means that fat is more efficiently broken down, not only during physical exertion, but also at rest.
■ At peak periods (12-14th, 20-28th days of the cycle), when the content of sex hormones in the blood is maximum, vitamins of group B, D, folic acid, magnesium and zinc are especially needed.
The article was published on the basis of the journal "Good advice" 4/2014
Text: Leah Radova. Photo: Legion-Media
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Cycle Diet Insiders: It's a Great Lifestyle! (January 2025).