
Sewing Machine: Lesson 7: Tucks


The magazine "Burda" and a network of salons "Seamstress" present a course on sewing on an overlock and sewing machine for beginners. The seventh master class is dedicated to performing tucks.

Tucks - neatly stitched narrow folds - instantly give the product an elegant and professionally stitched look. To perform this operation quickly and impeccably, you need to pay attention to some important details of the work.

How and with what to mark correctly and why pinches should be ironed before stitching - this is our new master class. Here you will learn about what extra foot for your sewing machine is worth buying or how to properly sew stitches using a regular foot. You will also be interested in how to sew lace on a sewing machine or to sew two different fabrics: the technique of these operations resembles the technique of making tucks.
So, we continue to get acquainted with the secrets of sewing on a sewing machine together with Svetlana Khatskevich.
The videos were created with the participation of the Beloshveyka network of salons of sewing machines.
